Sunday, September 8, 2024

what is wmic ? Useful wmic command examples in Windows ( Part 3 )


The Windows Management Instrumentation Command line (WMIC) is a software utility that allows users to performs Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) operations with a command prompt.

WMIC operates in two modes, interactive (which allows commands to be entered one line at a time) and non-interactive (which allows commands to be scripted for use in batch files). The simplest way to launch WMIC is to open a Run dialog and type wmic. Windows users can review a complete listing of aliases and global switches by typing /? at the wmic prompt.

In this example I will take you through  useful wmic command examples in Windows. Check all the options available with wmic command. If you want to check all the option available with wmic command then you need to use wmic /? command as shown below.

Common WMIC queries

How To Find Out The Model Of Your Computer ?

In order to find out the model name of a machine using WMI, simply follow the guide below:

Go into a command prompt and Type in

>WMIC ComputerSystem GET Model

then, you will get:

Model HP Notebook


How to Find Your Computer Name ?

>wmic computersystem get name,systemtype


Name : yourcomputername

SystemType : x64-based PC

How to Find the Serial Number of your computer ?

>wmic bios get serialnumber

One more command will help you to identify the Serial Number of your Computer

>wmic csproduct get identifyingnumber

How to Find the MAC Address of Your Computer ?

>wmic nic get macaddress,description

How to Check Your Motherboard Model Number ?

>wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber

How to check physical memory of your computer ?

>wmic COMPUTERSYSTEM get TotalPhysicalMemory

How to get all running programs and memory usage ?

>wmic process get workingsetsize,commandline

This lists the program and the memory usage

How to get partition name size and type ?

>wmic partition get name,size,type

How to get computer manufacturer ?


output : HP

How get mode version ?

>wmic csproduct get  version

output: Type1ProductConfigId

System Information

This program can also provide details on many other aspects of your system.

>wmic service list brief
>wmic process list brief
>wmic startup list brief

will list your installed software, services, running processes and Windows startup programs, for instance.

Process Management

Using WMIC you can manage your computer process like, close all the instances of a particular program. For example, if you want to shut down all FireFox windows, for instance, then the command:

>wmic process where name="firefox.exe" call terminate

Write WMIC output to file


In order to do so, simply use the /output: “< filepath & name >” switch. Insert this right after the wmic, but before any other part of the command: for instance, wmic /output:”C:\output.txt” , then the output will export the output.txt file.

Thien Tek95
Thien Tek95
I am Thien Tek, i like Technology security. i has successfully completed all requirenments and criteria for Cerfied Ethical Hacker, view here. Certification Ethical Hacker Contact US: 0902 03 1995
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